I’m No Runner!
I’m No Runner!

I’m No Runner!

Saturday 26th May 2025

A lot of us believe that writing is part of who we are, that it’s an important part of our life journey. I even said, that when I write, I feel his (God’s) pleasure. Thank you, Eric Liddell from the film, Chariots of Fire. So I was somewhat surprised that my books didn’t instantly become best sellers, that getting them into bookshops, getting them sold was still such a slog! I have, like a lot of writers, been on the roller coaster of emotions, faithfully waiting for God to do his half of the bargain, but still deeply disappointed that once again, month on month, sales have flat lined.

But all God ever asked me to do was to write. He didn’t promise anything else. The fact that I have had 3 beautiful novels published has been an unexpected joy and privilege, and they are handsome books. So now, at least until the next blog and/or I hit my next wobble, I will continue to do what I believe God has made me for, which is to write, without fear or favour. His love is enough.

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