Out Now!
Book three in the Anna Maybury series. She and her parishioners are back to solve another mystery. Anna has been asked to bless the local lifeboat. She is delighted until one of the crew goes missing. The young woman simply vanishes. Over the following summer, the disappearance causes the lives of many of those who live on the Lizard to stutter and crash, particularly as the missing girl’s father turns up, to cause as much trouble as he can. Anna, in the middle of the maelstrom, is left wondering where to turn, and finally gets too close to the truth.

So now I’m late to work because of Anna! Loving the book! – B Sedgwick.
I’ve had to drag myself out of bed to work. I could have read and read the whole book! – Nicky
I’ve just finished the book. I loved it and read until late last night because I couldn’t put it down. Had to stop when my eyes were closing on their own! – B Bennet