Kirsty A Wilmott

Kirsty A Wilmott

Missing You

Out Now!

Book three in the Anna Maybury series. She and her parishioners are back to solve another mystery. Anna has been asked to bless the local lifeboat. She is delighted until one of the crew goes missing. The young woman simply vanishes. Over the following summer, the disappearance causes the lives of many of those who live on the Lizard to stutter and crash, particularly as the missing girl’s father turns up, to cause as much trouble as he can. Anna, in the middle of the maelstrom, is left wondering where to turn, and finally gets too close to the truth.


So now I’m late to work because of Anna! Loving the book! – B Sedgwick.
I’ve had to drag myself out of bed to work. I could have read and read the whole book! – Nicky
I’ve just finished the book. I loved it and read until late last night because I couldn’t put it down.  Had to stop when my eyes were closing on their own! – B Bennet

Falling Tide

A year has passed since the last murder. Anna and her parishioners have begun to run residential retreats for those in need of time out, at the heart-stoppingly beautiful Lizard peninsula. This brings together a disparate group of people, whose stories begin to unravel when a body is found, draped over the old lifeboat ramp. Anna, Simeon, Archie and Harriet have to overcome their own fears and anxieties to walk with them, until Anna is able to work out what really happened.

Watching You Fall

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A detective novel inspired by the dramatic landscape of the Lizard, a place I love. Anna is the vicar of the tiny parish at the Lizard, the most southerly point in the UK. Here she leads a small group of parishioners, who are trying to work out how to do life. When the wife of the local architect is found dead in the church yard, each of them realise they may be living with a murderer. The year will take them to the very edge of their insecurities, for none of us are ever truly what we seem.


The plot is superb, understated but builds beautifully and characters you can really identify with. Sort of Vicar of Dibley with a more serious and poignant side … Brilliant! – Ceridwen Owen

A captivating, intriguing and well paced read. Vivid descriptions ,,, The plot twists and turns keeping you guessing as the suspense builds right up to the end. A splendid whodunit – Lily Rose

I couldn’t put it down. I loved the writing, the diverse well-drawn characters, the steady pace of the story and the beautiful descriptions of the area. … I can’t wait for the next bookBetty Bennett

I have re-found my love of reading. The foibles of the characters are real, and irritating and so endearing. … The prose is a thing of beauty and the plot is devised by an author who loves her art. I hope this is the first novel of many – Abigail

Loved this book. The author really set the scene with the detail of this beautiful stretch of Cornwall’s coastline. … Gripping storyline, I wonder what form a sequel might take….can’t wait – Amazon Customer

I LOVED it! I couldn’t put it down and didn’t guess the end! Thanks Kirsty, what an amazing talent you have, and thank you for keeping me in another world for a week! Can you publish your next one soon please? – Sandra Tebbutt

It’s deliciously rich descriptive language of people and place makes it very difficult to put downAnnie F

I loved this book. … more complex characters than in your usual mystery and a less predictable storyline. It kept me reading and I want to know what happens next to the characters. Glad to hear a sequel is planned – Sue Beach

What an exciting read! The story begins with a jolt and then a host of characters are introduced, which kept me guessing until the very end. Cornwall is so beautifully depicted – I felt I was there. I almost held my breath as I galloped through the chapters towards the end of the book and a surprising twist. I shall be recommending this as a holiday read to all my friends and my reading group. I look forward to the next instalment. – Jane

This was a very enjoyable read, with a strong sense of place, and a particularly effective and sympathetic portrayal of a character on the autistic spectrum. The protagonists’ foibles and struggles with self esteem and spirituality add depth to a gentle mystery. I hope that there will be a sequel – AllyG

I’ve now finished the novel and absolutely love/loved it. A must read! Looking forward to future novels!!! – Anna

First book I have read that absorbed me enough to keep reading. ,,, Thank you Kirsty – I feel I have found some new friends and keep wondering how they are doing! – Thelma Edwards

I just treated myself to a rather good book, Watching you Fall! I absolutely loved it. … Great plot and characters and some brilliant lines. Looking forward to reading your next one! – Carol

Beautifully written. The characters gradually develop giving you the essence of village life. The plot slowly unravels keeping you guessing as to “who dun it”. I loved it – Helen Hardman

Watching You Fall
The Lizard peninsula is known for its beautiful scenery and tourist attractions, but all is not so idyllic for Revd Anna Maybury, vicar of the most southerly parish of mainland Britain. Much of Anna’s little flock are dealing with their own problems, and when the wife of a local architect is found dead in the churchyard, each of them has to come to terms with the fact that they may be living with a murderer. The year will take them to the very edge of their insecurities and relationships and beyond to the conclusion that we are never truly what we seem...
Read the first 12 Chapters absolutely free!