Saturday 9th September 2023
As soon as I can, I will upload the book cover. It will fit in with the first two, and already looks fabulous. We are so nearly there. When I say ‘we’ I mean the publisher. He has had quite a stressful week so I am hoping, the end is in sight.
This week, I’ve mostly been writing the talk for Truro next Thursday, and worrying about the publishing date. It’s funny, I love all the preparation, editing, etc but then once it’s finished I guess it’s easy to dread the difficult bit. Ringing around the one or two books shops who have stocked the others in the past. Offering talks etc. At least the folk of Truro asked me back, which is lovely. And it’s a win win situation as I am being recompensed with biscuits and cake!
Naturally my thoughts also turn to all the people who have been so kind and helpful. If/when you do buy the book, read the acknowledgments. Of course it doesn’t mention all the folk who have been so encouraging in passing, too many to name, I hope you know who you are and how lovely it is for me to hear that you loved the books and couldn’t put them down.
My thought for the week, try and live in the moment, even when the weather is unseasonably warm. Or imagine that it’s the beginning of the summer and not the end, and you still have it all to do! Or imagine all the books you are going to sell, this time … and that this time, you won’t have to be responsible for the sales because they will simply fly off the shelves all by themselves.
Yes, between finishing the last edit and publication, are moments of the greatest hope but they are always moderated by a little dread!