Saturday 2nd September 23
Today I am properly 62, really grown-up. Yesterday, I had a lovely birthday filled with good friends, grandchildren and cake. So much cake! It has also been a really busy week with the book, Missing You. Apart from an editing blip, which I’m hoping my publisher can sort, it is really coming along. The words have been type set, and I can’t believe how quickly it stops being a manuscript and becomes a real book.
We have changed the launch date at the local book shop, Devizes Books, again, just to give ourselves some leeway – 17th October 23 between 7 and 9pm. Third time lucky!!!
I also had a proper grown-up meal with the publisher where we discussed future projects. There is a previous manuscript that I am quite excited about. It’s based upon David and Abigail, from the Bible. She was wife number 3, and appeared in the first couple of lists of his wives and offspring, she even had a son, but then she disappeared, as did her boy. It seemed to be love at first sight, and she was described as intelligent. Unusual, in itself. Anyway, the novel is written from the point of view of her five serving women, so it’s their story really. I’m just doing a final read-through before the publisher reads it and hopefully likes it.
I’ve used the word grown-up twice today, I think it’s because birthdays always make me feel a little like a child, plus this writing thing is a dream come true. I used to dream all the time when I was little, as an adult, not so much, so it’s nice to feel cushioned and comfortable, with space to do what I love. Imagine a big old armchair, made of large squashy letters. That’s just what it feels like, when I’m not panicking about whether it’s good enough, or that I haven’t made a mistake somewhere. Such is life!
Below is an image from Greenbelt, a band on main stage that were brilliant fun, and we managed to get a seat at the Jesus arms, to enjoy a pint. A really good year.

Well done Kirsty. Dreams do come true. I hope to be at the book launch. Wishing you every success.