Saturday 16th September 23
Missing You, out on the 30th September, hopefully, is all the about the lifeboat crew and their Tamar Class lifeboat, Rose. On Thursday I met one of the shore staff, deputy launch master, Chris Agar, I hope I’ve got that right. It was lovely asking my questions, and when we go down to the Lizard in February, I may get an actual tour of the boat. I am so excited about that. You would not believe! Such a privilege. I really hope they like the book.
The talk went well at Tregolls Lodge, Truro. They have invited me back in February to talk about Missing You. They are lovely, and there was lots of cake as promised. Such lovely cake and we sold a few books too. That’s Howard below. He organises one of the best book groups I have ever known. They have authors every week. Sometimes in person, sometimes by Skype. He works really hard to get it all organised, there’s a newsletter, posters and they are on twitter too @tregollsc.

So now it’s back to work. I may even have worked out who I am going to bump off in the next book in the series!