Second Time Lucky/Competent!
Second Time Lucky/Competent!

Second Time Lucky/Competent!

Friday 28th July 23

A purple salvia. Not a water feature in sight!

I’ve had a productive week, we have even thought about the crib service for Christmas. The usual story but this time we’re going to try and root it in reality, doubts and fears, so that congregation can relate a little more to each of the characters.

I’ve also been writing some mini talks for a camp, New Wine. I’m helping support the team who take care of the children and young people with disabilities. I am a little nervous, will I have enough energy, or will they fall asleep when I’m speaking, will it be what they need, but also very excited to see what happens.

Last update on the water feature. It is currently tinkling away in the back garden. I guess there comes a point in any project where you’ve simply spent too much time and energy to turn back. Oh, isn’t that just like writing!

And sorry about the quality of the photograph, I’m trying to work out how to reduce a photo size, and it’s not going well!

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