Sunday 20th November 2022
I normally have an idea re the blog but yesterday we cleared out the garage. Took all day and now my back is killing me, though it was satisfying, a job well done, except, of course, there is now a large pile of stuff in the middle that we are definitely going to get rid off. Market Place, Ebay, Gumtree etc. As we piled it up, I thought, it won’t take half a minute to photograph this and get it on line, and then we added another couple of things, and then some more. Now there is too much, too overwhelmed and my back is still hurting! Living an uncluttered life is harder than it looks. And of course, give it a few months and we’ll be back to squeezing around the left over boxes, the spare bits and bobs, that thing that doesn’t work anymore, and all that stuff for the charity shop.
In amongst this burst of activity, I’m currently mulling over a number of endings to the book, On the Way to Goldmeadow. I find this bit quite difficult. When I know I am near the conclusion of a story I spend inordinate amounts of time writing endings, in my head, and then when I finally get my fingers on a keyboard the story goes off somewhere else. Yet I can’t stop trying to work it out, even though I know it will probably resolve itself. It’s a loop, not infinite in the scheme of things, but still quite annoying. So currently I’m clinging to the fact that at least we have a reasonably tidy garage.
There is no picture, because who wants to see someone else’s tidy garage!!!!