Sometimes You Can’t See the Obvious!
Sometimes You Can’t See the Obvious!

Sometimes You Can’t See the Obvious!

Saturday 6th August 22

Everyone’s garden’s are parched right now, unless you live up in West Scotland, and I know I’m a bit of a lazy gardener but I love colour and this is the month when you should be able to get some wonderful reds, oranges, purples etc. Instead my garden is looking a little faded. Then during those very hot couple of days I had a moment.

There are three main beds in our back garden, one is under a tree and the other only gets the morning sun. The third bed is in the sun all day, but in my infinite wisdom I have filled it with ferns! This year they simply went, crinkle, crinkle flop. So come September I shall be digging out the ferns and replacing them with as much brightly coloured, drought resistant plants that I can find. We have only been in our house twenty years and it took a record breaking temperature for me to realise what a gardening wombat I have been. Sometimes we miss the obvious because we just want to fill the space with things we love, regardless of whether it’s the right place. And so many of my favourite plants struggle for lack of sunlight. I will leave it up to you to draw your own conclusions!

Next year! Just wait for next year.

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