Saturday 22nd August 20 Perfect!
Saturday 22nd August 20 Perfect!

Saturday 22nd August 20 Perfect!

Doing things differently. This week I have been thinking about the Crib Service. I know, it’s only August but scripts don’t just produce themselves! Every year we write a play performed by some incredibly talented youngsters. It lasts forty minutes with carols, is incredibly popular and over the years I have grown to love it. But of course this year …

So over a coffee, the best ideas always occur over coffee, we came up with a plan. Actually the very best ideas always happen at 3am but I rarely write them down so I never remember them, so they will forever be my hidden genius. Anyway, back to the idea. We take Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, the wise men and the odd angel, out into the town. Mary and Joseph the first week of Advent, then the shepherds the second week etc 5 minute dialogues, performed four or five times in different places. Full traditional tea-towel and dressing-gown costumes. And then, we meet on the green for the tableau on Christmas Eve, all socially distanced of course. Problems will involve amplification, the rain, possible heckling and involving our usual caste of talented small people. And I have yet to run it past the leadership. Oh, yes, and stupidly we have booked a holiday for part of it too. So total chaos as usual, but I think there may be something good to work with.

No idea, or plan appears perfectly formed. I know, that sounds logical and most people understand that, but there are some of us who have lived our lives thinking we have to be able to do something, produce something, know something perfectly, right from the beginning. It was something my son said, about a tax return that made me realise that that was how I lived. He said, “The first time I fill it in, will be difficult, and I won’t have all the information I need. But each time it will get easier as I get to know what to do.” And it stopped me in my tracks.

So for the perfectionists, for those paralysed with fear about starting something new, doing something differently jump in, try to enjoy the experience and next time work out how you will do it better. I had no idea you could live like this. Life, from now on, will be so much more fun.

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The Lizard peninsula is known for its beautiful scenery and tourist attractions, but all is not so idyllic for Revd Anna Maybury, vicar of the most southerly parish of mainland Britain. Much of Anna’s little flock are dealing with their own problems, and when the wife of a local architect is found dead in the churchyard, each of them has to come to terms with the fact that they may be living with a murderer. The year will take them to the very edge of their insecurities and relationships and beyond to the conclusion that we are never truly what we seem...
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