Saturday 29th June 2024
Last weekend we went to visit some friends, and we had one of those idyllic afternoons sitting around a table in the sun. Absolutely gorgeous.
How’s the writing? was inevitably asked.
I am despondent, I replied. (It’s true, I am a little).
We then spent a wonderful twenty minutes discussing Missing You. Characters, plot, significance of certain events. At one point I realised, they think I am a lot cleverer than I am. But they did enjoy the book, couldn’t put it down, and more to the point, though it is part of a series, that it does stand alone. They might just have been being kind, but I think I’ve known them long enough to spot fakery.
So, I’m still a little in the doldrums, but not so much. Oh, how easily buoyed up. All it takes is a little sunshine and someone to say how much they enjoyed my books! So nothing profound today, except that words of encouragement are incredibly important in our battered world and we are going to a wedding today. The sun is shining and it will be one of those events that will stay in the mind for a long time. Praying for Synaet and Isaac.

You know that I loved you books. Each one getting better. Well I think your very clever.
You have always been lovely about them. Thank you.