Good Friday Reflection
Good Friday Reflection

Good Friday Reflection

Friday 29th March 2024

Good Friday is a door you had to pass through. It must have been dreadful and dark and I don’t expect you could see much beyond the pain. And yet that agony, that separation, that carrying, was for us. Such love. Love boiled down to pain and blood. Hard edged love that cut us free from sin. So easy to say. You died for us, you hung there for us, you sacrificed yourself for us, they hammered you to a wooden cross for us.

Now we stand in the shadow of that cross. 

For a moment imagine you are there. What can you see? What can you hear? Do you understand?

Can we comprehend the full measure of what his death brings? The hope, the life, the depth, the meaning. 

For now we stand in the shadow of the cross. And that space, that shape, is what Jesus is calling us into. He is calling you now, he is calling you into his arms. 

This Friday, this black friday, this day of dimness, of remembering is a place to tarry, but not to stay. He would never ask you to stay in such a place of pain, in such a place of hard questions, hard edged love, instead allow him to draw you forward into Good Friday.  

Look up, there is a stone framed with light.

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