Saturday 23rd March 2024

It’s the pink, rather than anything else. Our magnolia has always had the potential to be beautiful, but this year, it’s added a depth of colour to the front garden that is hard to ignore. We are greatly cheered by it, despite having had a tough few months.
Book sales are not great, though I’m sure there isn’t anything more I can do, for now. Except to be grateful, that by August, I might have four books in print. If you’d offered me that, even five years ago, I would have bitten your hand off.
At one of our local bookshops, while delivering a few more tomes, there was a lady, making coffee and dispensing cake.
“I read your book.”
“Wonderful. And what did you think?”
“After I had finished it, I missed them.”
“Who did you miss?”
“The characters!”
I’ll take it!