A Special Moment! What’s this Granny?
I have spent the last two days trying to attach google drive to libreoffice! I’m a writer, not a techy. So until I can do this, I shall have to save to my machine and manually upload to the cloud. Technology is wonderful when it works, and when it doesn’t aaaaggggghhhh!
Currently working on editing a new book, Radiant with His Glory, Radiant in his Glory. You know what I am like with titles. But it’s quite exciting as its one of the many of my unpublished back catalogue. There is some interest so watch this space.
And sometimes, like the prodigal son, most journey’s start with us coming to our senses. Most journey’s end when we realise it’s not us and what we think that is important, but the enormous love that God has for us, and what he thinks of us, that brings us home. I bet he could fix my technical problems.