Saturday 20th January 2024

I missed last week, because I am a lazy toad, and my hits have dropped accordingly! I thought it was all mysterious, but this seems pretty straightforward. What I would love to do, is to somehow convert the hits to sales! I suppose that is every writer’s dream.
Last week, I did have a speaking date at The Mustard Seed, Marlborough, Wiltshire. It was really good fun. There were about 10 of us, a small but perfectly formed group and the shop is delightful. It is tiny but sits on the Kennet river, and was literally a couple of inches away from being flooded during the recent horrible weather. They do amazing cakes and coffee, and the end, by the water is floor to ceiling glass, so communing with nature, ducks and fish is easy. And I sold books. Dilemma – it’s the new book that we need to sell, but when you meet people for the first time, and it’s obviously a series, they want to buy the first book! Sorry, dear publisher. I guess we’re in for the long haul. If they like the first one, they will then buy the next one, and the next one etc
There are a couple of other events coming up, down in Cornwall. One in Truro, where it will definitely be about the third book, Missing You, because it is my third visit. But I’m also off to the book club at Ruan Minor, which Revd Anna would go to, if she didn’t have such a love of unsuitable novels!