

Sunday 7th June 2024

This morning I awoke to a tsunami of grey cloud along the horizon, and a line of gold where the sun was about to blind, dazzle, colour the world. A tsunami, that instead of bringing disaster brings the promise of a new day. My phone camera doesn’t do it justice, so please simply use your imagination. I am a thousand times blessed to have this view, if only for a week. It has soothed and relaxed like nothing else.

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Watching You Fall
The Lizard peninsula is known for its beautiful scenery and tourist attractions, but all is not so idyllic for Revd Anna Maybury, vicar of the most southerly parish of mainland Britain. Much of Anna’s little flock are dealing with their own problems, and when the wife of a local architect is found dead in the churchyard, each of them has to come to terms with the fact that they may be living with a murderer. The year will take them to the very edge of their insecurities and relationships and beyond to the conclusion that we are never truly what we seem...
Read the first 12 Chapters absolutely free!