Saturday 4th November 23
Thank you for all your kind messages from last week. It made me realise I need to be careful with the tone of the blog. I did feel a little down but not as bad as it came across!
Anyway, happily ensconced in Wales, staring out of a huge window onto fields and sky. It’s drizzling but who cares! It’s a change of scene and I’ve only got a couple of reading books and a bit of editing to do. None of which have deadlines. Already feeling better. And this morning we have hot water, so all is good.

Also sold some books, and have a couple of gigs planned. One is late night opening at Malmesbury Abbey 1st December 2023, from 6pm. Come and find me, it’s a beautiful building and I shall look forward to sitting in it for a couple of hours. Lovely stone work and pillars that look as if they could hold up the world. And of course we will be selling the new book at a discount, just because we can – good Christmas presents!