The Day After
The Day After

The Day After

Saturday 28th October 2023

Coming down to earth after the book launch. Missing You isn’t exactly flying off the shelves so there is that slight empty feeling, the post Christmas, what should I be doing now feeling? We’re having our hall painted and I’ve just taken all the paintings off the wall. We have a lot, so it feels echoey and empty, a little sad. I realised it beautifully illustrated my mood.

But then I was at a funeral yesterday, of a lovely man who died far too young. His family are waking up this morning with a deep hole in their lives. Mike is off to visit his dad in hospital, and will probably be there most of the day. So feeling a little down is allowable, but not that profound. I think this is a day for pulling up my socks and getting on with things. The book sales will take care of themselves. I’ve got people to pray for and to be there for. Enough said.

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