Friday 17th Feb 23

I love trees. Even more, I love trees with mossy boots and snowdrops. Ok, even, even more, trees with mossy boots, snowdrops and a good natter with a friend. The nattering part is the important bit! Apart from all the usual stuff we talked writing, writing, writing. As I am between books, I wondered what I should do? Start a new novel, worry about the other two currently out of my hands, try a short story!
Two suggestions. One is simply read. When you would normally go and sit at the lap top, pick up a novel, and don’t be too precious about what it should be. Sounds delicious.
Two is go back and look at one of the older novels, blow off the dust and see what might be done. Ahhh, but which one of the old novels?
Perhaps, I’ll simply write an ode to a snowdrop. They were a bit lovely, especially the big ones that looked like white porcelain.