Walk This Path With Me!
Walk This Path With Me!

Walk This Path With Me!

Saturday 11th Feb 2023

I have walked this path, many, many times. This is the first time I noticed that these two magnificent trees looked like an arch, a door, a question – what lies beyond – walk through me, you must!

I often feel I’m on the same path, same old, same old! But I guess it’s never quite the same. There will always be changes and new joys to find or will there be a monster hiding beyond? If I thought there was a monster, I would be understandably reluctant to walk through, so I choose to continue to believe that through the arch is mystery and adventure, no matter how I feel on a particular day.

This week, I sent off, On the Way to Goldmeadow, for its first read-through, out in the big wide world. Which means, technically, I’m between projects, so I’ll start prep for project finding an agent. I’ve also got a couple of scripts I want to start writing for church, a grown up crib service in Advent and an adaptation of an old script for children’s crib service on Christmas Eve. I know it’s only February, but at least if I write a bit, I’ve got something to come back to, something to work on. By the way, Goldmeadow is a prison for women.

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