New Year/Old Year … New Year!
New Year/Old Year … New Year!

New Year/Old Year … New Year!

Saturday 31st December 2016

Above is a random Christmas picture. In our house that involves a lot of polar bears. This is Brian with his cushion. I simply couldn’t think of an image that would represent going forward, except for an arrow which would be boring.

I will not be reviewing the year, this is not what this blog is about. Instead I want to look forward. I want to bask in the hope of the year to come. Not easy for so many people but for me it is the year of book 3, Missing You, (not it’s final title). I’m not exactly sure of schedules yet, but will of course let you know as soon as I know.

Am itching to get back to the new new book, there is an ending to write. It’s a very short little novel but I don’t think there is any merit in trying to make it longer than it is. It’s a story of kindness, because though I do often write of the darkness within, there is always a little light spilling around the edges. Like the night sky, when you get away from the street lamps, only then can you truly see the stars.

Mike’s New Year’s Resolution: I want to live a little more!

Mine: To find the light in the dim places, day by day.

Oh, I so wonder what this year will bring.

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