Crib Service Joy!
Crib Service Joy!

Crib Service Joy!

Tuesday 13th December 2022

It’s that time of year, when I begin to pile up the study with crowns, crooks, tinsel and all the other paraphernalia that we need for the Crib Service. I was going to moan about not getting any writing done, not even close, but then I thought, hang on a dar gone minute, (deputy dog!), I have written and am directing 8 pages of witty dialogue, yet another slightly different take on the incredible story of Jesus’ birth and the best interaction between two newly engaged youngsters there ever was.

“It’s not mine!” “I know, it’s God’s!” “I think I will divorce her quietly, and ponder on what a lucky escape I’ve had!”

There is the absolute joy of using a wide range of children/young people, from the no speaking parts children, to lots and lots of lines, please. The please give me more children, (always happy to do this), and the wouldn’t it be better if we did it this way children. They always have the good ideas.

I am about to adjust the script, and will definitely do so again before the final performance. Sometimes writing isn’t about novels! Sometimes writing is about hearing the voice, and giving them the words to say, and allowing them to make what they will of them. Out of the mouth of babes, and all that!

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