He Know’s What He Needs!
He Know’s What He Needs!

He Know’s What He Needs!

Saturday 22nd October 22

Last night we babysat our grandchildren, which meant putting them to bed. It’s a great pleasure. Our granddaughter cried, just a little, because she wanted a cuddle until she was ready to be put down to sleep. Our grandson, well he’s a little more articulate. This story, please. Then he waited patiently for his sister to fall asleep. Whispering, he said, I’d like a cuddle now Granny. A few minutes later, you can go now Granny! So I did. How wonderful to know what it is that you need and to be able to ask for it so clearly.

As we grow older life gets more nuanced and it gets harder to know what it is we really need, apart from a glass of wine on a Friday night and space to work out what we should do next. But I’m wondering, if as an adult we over complicate things, lose sight of the basics. Hunger, comfort, feeling loved. I’m not hungry, I’m very comfortable and I’m feeling loved! Good enough? Good enough.

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