Thursday we were wandering around in sun dresses, (not Mike – he prefers shorts) and never far from a pint glass of water and this morning, I was hunting about for a rain coat to take the dog for a walk, (at least I could take him for a walk!)
Thursday, I was marvelling at how lovely and lush the garden was. Friday I had to go round propping up all the plants suddenly in need of water. (They’re not in need of it now.)
Wednesday, loving my lap top. Thursday I nearly put it in the dustbin. Suddenly, something I have done numerous times would not work and Google saying, ‘so sorry, there seems to be something wrong’ didn’t help at all.
I do have a bit of a roller coaster personality, so my life is often full of contrasting moments but this week seems to have been much worse than usual.
My book is a slow burner, people will begin to see what a good book it is and will start to buy it. Why am I even bothering to write anything at all, what’s the point – it’s all a disaster and a waste of time.
What a beautiful day, a blue cloudless sky, a paddling pool and some shade. Oh my goodness, I can’t think straight for the heat and the milk smells funny because we left it out for five minutes.
I am going to go to bed early and drink more water and read something deep and meaningful. Oh no, I stayed up reading the trashy novel and probably couldn’t sleep because I ate a weeks supply of choccy bars in one go!
So when I’m careering from a high to a low and back again, the only thing to do is to hang onto the consistent things in my life. God and his love for me, Mike, good friends, my publisher and his straightforward high standards, salvia’s – they never let you down, chocolate, the greeting of the two spaniels in my life (there has to be a way to harness the energy of their waggy tails), our garden (even after a storm or a drought there are things that gladden the heart) etc etc
There are millions of other things, and yes, it is really a count-your-blessings moment and I take courage from the fact, that on the way up or down there must be at least one moment when I am nearly normal!