I’m back in harness, running Love Devizes Pastoral Support. All would be well if we hadn’t changed the system. So all the old anxieties are bubbling up because I don’t know what I’m doing – again! I know I’ll get there. That we have a full week before we go live, but my brain says I need to understand everything, immediately…..aaaagggghhhh!
Crib service is written and I am really EXCITED about it. Richard, the curate is my new favourite person. He basically organised everything; people, filming dates, film transitions, (wibbly lines!!!!), so all I have to do is turn up and nod a lot. It will be shown at 4 pm as usual on Christmas Eve, where you will be able to ask Mary, Joseph, a wise man, a shepherd, one of Herod’s servants and the innkeeper actual questions about what is was like to be there at that pivotal moment in history. Can’t wait. There is a green screen and everything!
So haven’t done a lot of actual writing. Missing that. Need to be organised to carve out a couple of hours here and there. I always feel better when I do so. And our house is getting dustier and less organised by the week. But do you know, I’m caring less and less about that with every day that passes. And I’m wondering is that simply age, laziness or great wisdom!