Blog 14th March 20
Blog 14th March 20

Blog 14th March 20

So spent the afternoon worrying about loo rolls and sending emails off to various magazines to get the book out there! But it all seems a bit small fry when most people are wondering whether they are going catch the virus or not. Or worse still, should they visit a possibly vulnerable relative? And so many very sad deaths.
So small fry it might be, but I guess we’ve just got to try and get on with life as best we can. So back to worrying about loo rolls and the book. (I actually have enough loo rolls, it’s just that I’ve always bought them when they were on offer and now I’m worried people will think its me stockpiling whereas actually it’s just me being thrifty/mean!)

And how do I get a book reviewed by Richard and Judy?! I think Watching You Fall would be a really good fit!

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Watching You Fall
The Lizard peninsula is known for its beautiful scenery and tourist attractions, but all is not so idyllic for Revd Anna Maybury, vicar of the most southerly parish of mainland Britain. Much of Anna’s little flock are dealing with their own problems, and when the wife of a local architect is found dead in the churchyard, each of them has to come to terms with the fact that they may be living with a murderer. The year will take them to the very edge of their insecurities and relationships and beyond to the conclusion that we are never truly what we seem...
Read the first 12 Chapters absolutely free!