Ice like Stone!
Ice like Stone!

Ice like Stone!

Saturday 28th January 23

It is just ice in a fountain at Mottisfont Abbey. And my phone isn’t the best but with the reflection of the rather dull grey clouds I thought the ice looked like stone, not the bottom bit, because that is stone!!! Thinking about ice … Mike actually walked across our pond this week because the ice was so thick, but with a few degrees rise in temperature, or the application of a little gentle warmth, it melts away.

I’m not sure what to do with this, but it feels profound!

Watched a brilliant webinar this week on getting an agent, or rather the 20 things you shouldn’t do when you write to an agent. I confess I have done one or two of them, but one of the truths, which I absolutely need to take on board, is that if you spend one or two years writing a book, why wouldn’t you then spend some serious time writing a letter that will set you and your book apart from the herd. It could/will make all the difference. Thank you Kathy Ver Eecke.

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