Wednesday 14th September 22
While away in the Lakes, we resided beside the line of the Ratty, The Ravenglass and Eskdale Railway.

When I’m not walking, I’m writing. Writing in a place like this, punctuated by the whistle of the perfectly formed tiny trains, pulling great long carriages, is a joy and yet.. there is always this sense that though you are in the perfect place to be getting on with your latest book, what you produce won’t be good enough, do justice to the beauty of your surroundings. That is a very long sentence. I have written approx a third of the new book and am grinding to a halt. It’s too slow, there’s no action, it’s too fast, there’s not enough description. Oh the self-doubt of the author.
Still, definitely easier to put right something you’ve written than trying to put right an empty page! Grind on, and like the Ratty engine’s you’ll be surprised at what you can achieve if you only let off the brake!