Saturday 23rd April 22
Saturday 23rd April 22

Saturday 23rd April 22

Today a dear friend gets married. It will be an amazing wedding, outside, with long views across a golf course. Sadly, last week my back went, spasmed and everything. I assumed because I am fitter than I was, that it would soon settle and all would be well. Not so. It’s sore and tight and I’m feeling a little defeated by it. I was so looking forward to this day and now it’s going to be a pain management and finding the right chair and not standing up too long, or sitting down too long kind of day. Of course, it’s all too easy to spend the time, when in pain, concentrating on the pain. What I need is a larger perspective, a bigger sky. To look for the pleasure and joy in the day, regardless. To remember that I’ve been here before and come through and out the other side, it’s just that recovery isn’t a straight line. That there is no definitive path, just decisions made with what we have for this moment. Oh, yes, and do my exercises every day regardless!!!!

A bigger view point!

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Watching You Fall
The Lizard peninsula is known for its beautiful scenery and tourist attractions, but all is not so idyllic for Revd Anna Maybury, vicar of the most southerly parish of mainland Britain. Much of Anna’s little flock are dealing with their own problems, and when the wife of a local architect is found dead in the churchyard, each of them has to come to terms with the fact that they may be living with a murderer. The year will take them to the very edge of their insecurities and relationships and beyond to the conclusion that we are never truly what we seem...
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