19th June 21 Rollercoaster Ride
19th June 21 Rollercoaster Ride

19th June 21 Rollercoaster Ride

Mike and I are tired. Like the rest of the country we are fed up to the back teeth with lock down, being in the same place, not being able to plan ahead. So knowing that we were going away on holiday to Scotland was a real tonic. And I can tell you this because our son and his lovely family are currently living with us, so the house is far from empty! I spent Thursday morning packing and getting excited. Then out of the blue, the nursery phoned to say that our grandson was not well. That he had taken himself off into a corner and fallen asleep, and that his temperature was through the roof. Millie ended up taking him to A&E. You can imagine how worried we were. Suddenly, the holiday didn’t matter. We just didn’t want there to be anything seriously wrong with our boy. Anyway, they eventually got home and all is reasonably well. He is fighting something nasty but baby calpol is brilliant. Mike and I were elated, and not because we could set off on holiday, but because he was ok.

Friday morning we headed up the motorway to Dumfries, stopped off in Liverpool and upgraded our beloved Yeti and still arrived in time for Mike to watch the football. Right now, I am looking out over a loch to the mountains beyond. An otter comes and plays down below, and now and again we see gannets, wheeling and diving – utterly gorgeous.

Life is full of ups and downs, dips and dives, but some things are definitely more important than others. Being on holiday is wonderful but having well and happy children and grandchildren is worth a whole lot more.

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