Ok, I know it’s not even the weekend but I am currently going through the structural edit changes for book 2, and it’s all consuming. Nowhere near as bad as last time, but despite going through the manuscript with a fine tooth comb, our rather brilliant structural editor has already found two conversations with a person who has left the room, pointed out some rather annoying similarities in names, (a rooky mistake), and a really annoying writing tick! And I did go through the whole manuscript taking out the capitalised ‘Ands’. Some many, so clumsy! But on the whole we are getting there. I’m quite excited though still very sad about sales of ‘Watching You Fall’.
That’s the whole problem with us humans. We are complex and can be bothered by more than one emotion at a time. We have a wonderful holiday to Scotland booked but we are still sad about not going to France. Particularly as we might have been able to go after all! (I’m tempted to send the government the bill for our test kits, which we now don’t need.) And spare a thought for those in Portugal trying to get back. Even if you disagree with their choice of holiday destination, there would have been a whole tranche of travel agents who needed their custom, rather desperately. That’s a whole sector teetering on the edge. What difficult times we live in.
So lets embrace our multi-faceted lives. Joy and sadness, sorrow and relief, knowing what is going to happen next and yet having an adventure. Planning when you can and hoping for the best. Writing a book, getting it published and watching sales plummet.
Just so long as there is a positive to the negative, and it doesn’t feel all bad. In which case, give a good friend a call and have a moan. A long satisfying and extremely necessary unburdening so that your multi-faceted nature can reassert itself, and if you’re feeling purely, completely happy, write a book so we can all share your secret!