I woke up the Monday before last and starting in our bedroom, I cleaned and sorted the house. And I don’t just mean a light dusting; I even cleared my little room and MIKE’S STUDY! Since March I’ve only been hoovering when it’s crunchy, dusting when I can see the mounds without my glasses on and washing up when I can’t see over the top of the pile of dirty crockery. So what changed? To begin with I couldn’t work it out and then while exercising on my cross trainer in the garage, (I know, hard to believe, but I do sometimes make an effort,) I had one of those God moments. You see, the Sunday before I had got rid of the old cross trainer that had been sitting in the garage, taking up the last available space, while I decided what to do with it. Couldn’t bare to put it into landfill so it had dragged on for nearly a year. In the end I put it on Facebook Marketplace, free to a good home. It went within five minutes. So suddenly there was a space, which meant I could move the table from my little room, which meant I could clear and decorate, which meant I sorted out the piles to go to the charity shop and the tip. And once you’re on a roll you just keep going until you stop.
The block had been the old cross trainer. I couldn’t really do anything until it had gone. Only I hadn’t realised that it was a block at all. I just knew that our house was getting grubbier and grubbier and I was eating more and more and watching more and more telly – what I do when life isn’t quite right! But it wasn’t just a matter of taking the cross trainer to the tip. That wouldn’t have worked either because I didn’t want to put all that metal and plastic into landfill.
Sometimes there are things in our lives that we need to deal with, but we need to deal with them well, honourably, rightly. And then the next bit flows, at least until the next road block. I wonder what that will be?