I love Saturday mornings. The end to a busy week. Had a lie in, so a very slow start. Felt like the first one in ages. We had our grandson over for the day yesterday, played trains, went to the park, watched a dustbin lorry do its thing. Stared at the tractor for a long time, it’s red by the way! And then watched the leaf blower man blow the leaves into a great big pile. Even allowed Thomas the Tank engine to have a go on the slide! So it was pretty full on, but hovering over all that fun is the feeling of inevitability of Corona once again. As a background to our lives it is simply exhausting. What were the figures yesterday? Is that massively more or just a few more? Is Wiltshire still managing to hold its own? Aren’t we lucky to live in an area with so much sky. But then our daughter drives into Birmingham everyday for training, our daughter-in-law is a midwife, our niece has to use public transport to get to her job, we know people who have had it, the long and short version. It creeps closer. You can’t ignore it, you can’t allow it to rule your life, but it’s there like that pile of paperwork you really ought to/need to sort out. That room you shut the door on, that job that just feels too big. Here we go again!
Still my book is out in paperback, and kindle and hardback. That is a wonder in itself. People are still buying it, slowly, very slowly. And yesterday I watched a man with a leaf blower with our grandson, spoke to our daughter who has passed another load of exams on her way to being a paramedic, swept a path clear of leaves, and instead of allowing Corona to hang over us like a vulture am reminding myself that I can still hear the birds, the coffee tasted awesome this morning, I got a lie in, I saw a red tractor yesterday, and a dustbin lorry… and… and…