Friday 31st July An early blog!
Friday 31st July An early blog!

Friday 31st July An early blog!

What a week! I finally had the painful tooth removed. Ok, I look like a gappy pirate but being pain free is lovely, and the gap will be filled in the Autumn. And as someone pointed out, we’re all wearing masks so who will notice?!

I also wrote my last official COVID19 Pastoral Support message this morning. I’ve spoken about the volunteers before but I will never get tired of singing their praises. They were the unsung heroes of the organisation. Sitting at home ringing hundreds of people just to make sure they were alright. They did the most incredible job.

Have done some work on book three, Missing You, but am in a quandary as to how many new voices I can introduce. I’ve got four characters that I rather like/dislike but that might be too many with all the regulars. Mmmm! Also wondering about instagram. It has been highly recommended as a way of publicising the book,#Idon’tknowwhatahashtagis! So perhaps now I have a little more time on my hands I will look into it.

This feels like one of those beginning and ending moments. Sadness mixed with excitement, about what happens next. But taking your baggage and using it as a springboard into the next bit is wisdom. And baggage isn’t just the bad/hard stuff, it’s all the lessons’s learnt, wonderful affirming moments etc. This is what it feels like. Imagine a large pile of very springy luggage, cases and holdalls, plastic carriers and me standing on the roof above. Sometimes I topple onto it, sometimes I am pushed, but this time I’m taking a running jump!

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Watching You Fall
The Lizard peninsula is known for its beautiful scenery and tourist attractions, but all is not so idyllic for Revd Anna Maybury, vicar of the most southerly parish of mainland Britain. Much of Anna’s little flock are dealing with their own problems, and when the wife of a local architect is found dead in the churchyard, each of them has to come to terms with the fact that they may be living with a murderer. The year will take them to the very edge of their insecurities and relationships and beyond to the conclusion that we are never truly what we seem...
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