28th March 20 Blog
28th March 20 Blog

28th March 20 Blog

You wake in a flutter, not sure why your heart is beating so fast. Then you remember … COVID19. The virus is written in capitals because it is writ-large across our lives. It has changed everything. I could list the bad stuff but we’re all getting a bit fed up with that so I will list some of the incredible things that are happening around us.

  1. Volunteers in their hundreds queueing up to help.
  2. The gratitude of those whose shopping and prescriptions have been picked up.
  3. The many phone calls just to say ‘Hi. How are you doing?’ that are going on throughout our community.
  4. The streets who have come together to help one another.
  5. The sound of clapping and cheering on Thursday night to say thank you to those on the front line, even in the sedate road we live in.
  6. The incredible organisational skills of those who are putting systems in place and then having to tweak and tweak again.

I know it has been said a thousand times but it is immensely humbling to be a part of it. So when I next wake up feeling a little anxious, apart from praying, I will also remember all the good stuff that is happening too.


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